Lion Dance

The lion dance has been part of the Chinese culture for thousands of years and is performed on occasions such as Chinese New Years, store openings, anniversaries, and various festivals and celebrations. The lion is a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune. It chases away evil spirits and brings in hapiness, longevity, and good luck. Lion dance performances are most popular during Chinese New Year's Celebrations at local businesses and restaurants because the lion brings prosperity and good luck to the business for the upcoming year.

Southern Style:

Southern lion dancing originated from GuangZhou, China and is a more traditional style of lion dancing. It is style is generally related to strong kung fu stances and movements, but in current times, movements have been modified and refined to be more realistic. Southern lions are not gendered and are all considered to be male lions. The Southern Lion is a symbol of strength and goodness.

Northern Style:

The northern lion is generally more realistic looking than the southern lion as it has an abundance of shaggy orange and yellow hair. Northern lions are gendered and can be distinguished by having a red bow on its head to indicate a male lion, or a green bow to represent a female. Their appearance resemble Pekingese or Fu Dogs and their movements are very life-like. Acrobatics are very common, with stunts like lifts or balancing on a giant ball.